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Saturday, 15 March 2014

Feeling sad? Well, here's something for you to cheer up!

Do you feel down at times? Feel like you can't do anything at all? Well, my first and foremost tip right at the start would be...

1. Don't think too much of it!

Sometimes thinking about something that makes you sad over and over again makes you think of things even sadder, it will even make you bring up your past events that makes you sad and the looping process continues till you reach a point of Depression.

Depression is a severe state of mind where you will start to reject everything you do and you will feel an extreme low self-esteem which if left untreated can lead to despair and eventually suicide.

Some people might think listening to music will help alleviate your 'sad' mood but you have to make sure you...

2. Find the right music to listen to.

Some people tend to listen to sad music when they are sad as they can pour their feelings into that music which makes them enjoyable. However, what sad music only do (Most of the time and depends on how people take it) it only strengthen that feeling of sadness and makes you... even sadder.

But if you pick some upbeat music, you tend to feel better because such happy, upbeat music makes you think of happier things, which also goes back to my first point, by thinking of happy things, you are 'rejecting' that sad feelings of yours and it will make you feel better!

3. Release that Oxytocin!

Oxytocin, a chemical that promotes bonding in general among other people. Oxytocin is shown to be able to boost a person's self-esteem and makes a person a little chirpier. Oxytocin is normally released when you are in a relationship, but it is also released when...

1. You look into a crush's eye.
2. Singing together in union.
3. Basically anything that involves working as a team other than sexual relationships.

4. Finally, get some rest. (7 hours is the optimal on average).

A shortage of rest can lead to inability to function well. (Impaired Co-ordination) and excess sleep can lead to headaches which I don't improve your mood at all.

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Feeling sad? Well, here's something for you to cheer up!
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