Today we're going to talk a bit on how YouTube Algorithms work and how PewDiePie made use of the algorithm to skyrocket his channel to become the top YouTube Channel with the most subscribers of over 20 MILLION! (I just can't resist bolding :d)
To complete the equation of having a successful website or successful YouTube Channel, It needs 2 things:
1. Good Content (As they say... Content is King!)
2. A good Marketing Strategy
Let's first begin by talking about
Good Content
On my other post on Why Passion alone is not good enough to monetize anything,I explained that nobody in the world gives 2 shits (Sorry if that sounds harsh) about your passion!
What people want is what you can give them, and what you can 'deliver' to them. If they like what you are 'giving them', and in this case: Entertainment, they will like you and follow you.
It's also one of the main reason why major game companies don't put too much effort into coming up with new and original content (The same can be said for Movies. Yes Hunger Games, I'm looking at you). What they want to cater more to is the demographics, what people want! Not what you want!
Thus now when people talk about 'Good Content', it's not just having quality pieces of work, but also must be something that people appreciate. (Unfortunately I had to learn that the hard way...)
Now it's time to talk about YouTube's algorithms and addressing the second point on
'Good Marketing Strategy'
Audience Retention:
Back then before this new 'algorithm' that YouTube came up with (May 2012), Clicks were the factor when it comes to determining whether the content is good or not. Of course if there is a way to cheat a system, people would do it. By uploading misleading thumbnails, people would like on it, hoping to find the content they wanted before turning it away because the video isn't what to expect.After a new algorithm of Audience Retention has been implemented, the new factor in determining whether a content is good or not is determined by Watch Time. That's right, Watch Time. If people are willing to watch through your whole video, it meant that people liked it! (There is a way to cheat this system though... but I'm not sharing it as it can be a little unethical [Illegal even].) If people liked it, it will prompt YouTube to promote your channel! As simple as that!
Since PewDiePie's channel is based on Games, and as we all know, games are generally long in nature, there is absolutely no way that one person can just sit through the whole way and record. (Uploading is another tedious task too if you don't have a fiber broadband service.). Since the game itself is considered 'Content' that the game companies did to personally cater to buyers and game enthusiast.
Half of the 'Content is King' equation is settled.
The second half of the equation would come from the entertainer himself!
All the YouTuber has to do is just do some exaggerated reaction from certain events (Jump Scares and stupid glitches/bugs both play a significant role in this...) Bam! The seal of success has been chopped and ready for more promotion.
Why did I say Content is King instead of good marketing strategies?
Likes/Dislikes, Favorites and subscribes. If you are the end user, enough said.
So don't rely on cheap tactics such as artificial like booster, subscriber or favorites. It won't work and if you paid for it, you are just throwing your money away!
A better tactic for promotion would be via Collaborations, Invites, Message, Contacts (You know the YouTube in-built PM function) to promote and let REAL people get interested in your content. Not Bots.
(Again I had to learn this the hard way.)